Saturday, Feb 27th 2021 — Online

You are cordially invited you to the annual Commons Cargobike Conference (“Forum Freie Lastenräder”). This year, the conference is hosted by the team of Lasse Münster, and will happen online via Zoom, with a session in english language.
During this session, we will answer your questions around sharing cargo bikes, our custom booking software, and you can connect with the vibrant & friendly Commons Cargobikes community!
Conference start (in german): Saturday, Feb 27th, 09:40 (CET)
English language session: Saturday, Feb 27th, 12:40 (CET)
For any questions, please write us at
About Commons Cargobikes: More than 100 grass-roots initiatives in Europe provide cargo bikes to the local community on a donation basis. First implemented 2013 in Cologne, the sharing concept has spread quickly, with currently almost 400 cargo bikes available to lend.
Looking forward to an inspiring exchange!
Florian & the Commons Cargobikes International Team