Florian Egermann’s work questions the role of capitalism, truth and authority through the creation of absurd institutions, mixed-media installations, interventions & sustainable sharing concepts.

* 1979 in Mannheim, Germany. Worked for design agencies on print, online and media installations. Study at Academy of Media Arts, Cologne with Prof. Julia Scher and a focus on surveillance, public interventions and site-specific artworks.

As a founding member of wielebenwir e.V., a cologne-based association that develops and runs award-winning urban projects (“German Mobility Award”, “German Bike Award”), he facilitated the „Commons Cargobike“-movement (more than 100 initiatives share cargo bikes for free with their community). He is the co-founder of the international exchange program „Tadaex/Node Exchange“ between Iran and Germany.

As a member of the art group “Mühlenkampf”, he has co-created several participative projects on the borderline of art, activism and social work, and is the co-founder of “Austauschhafen”, a series of micro-conferences for skill exchange.

He had a minor moment of fame when he declined to be nominated for a prize to be handed out by Horst Seehofer.

He lives & works as an artist, activist and astronaut in Cologne.


Artistic Research Grant City of Cologne
Grant “Bezirksorientierte Mittel”
Grant “Kunstsäulen Köln”
Grant “Jürgen Rembold Stiftung”
Artist talk “Perspectives on A/Symmetry”
Performance at Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
Exhibition “Böse Kunst”, Galerie Roter Keil, Graz, Austria
Exhibition “Hymnen”, kunsthaus nrw, Aachen

Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica
Exhibition “interwoven”, Kunststätte Bossard, Jesteburg
Exhibition “interwoven”, Glasmoog, Cologne
Exhibition “Deutschland mon Amour”, InDiscreet – The Problem of Intimacy, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (LT)
Lecture “Commons Cargobikes”, Cargo Bike Sharing Europe Conference, Berlin
Lecture, “Commons Cargobikes”, Bits + Bäume Conference, Berlin
Grant „KalkGestalten“

Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznan, Polen
Exhibition „prepared“, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
Intervention „Hymnen“, Kulturfunke Festival, Lübeck
Exhibition „fax2nft“, die.digitale, Düsseldorf
Weltuntergangs-Workshop, Seekult-Festival, Friedrichshafen
Grant „Bezirksorientierte Mittel“
Grant „Kulturfunke 2021“

Grant (3 years) „Phineo“ (with wielebenwir e.V.)
Grant „Kunststiftung NRW BEGRENZT – ENTGRENZT“
Lecture performance „Collected Confessions“, ART WILL SAVE US, Online
Lecture „Commons Cargobikes“, Care Beyond Crisis Conference, Online
Lecture „Commons Cargobikes“, CCB Conference, Online
Book presentation „Expanded books“, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg

Installation/Workshop „prepared“, Künstlerhaus Wendenstrasse, Hamburg, Germany
Artist residency „Marxmobil“, Chemnitz, Germany
Installation „prepared“, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, Germany
Performance „Deutschland, Mon Amour“, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Performance, Ausstellung „ROSA – Zum 100. Todesjahres Rosa Luxemburgs” , Düsseldorf, Germany
Lecture, “Future potential of cargo bikes”, National Cycling Congress, Dresden, Germany Installation „Drift“, Quartier am Hafen, Cologne, Germany
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, Germany

Performance “Deutschland Mon Amour”, Matjöö, Cologne, Germany
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Alfred Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Gold+Beton, Cologne, Germany
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Flux Factory, New York, USA
Talk: „Verkehrswende mit Cargo Bikes“, re:publica, Berlin, Germany
Exhibition: „SilentAir“, Stille Nacht Museum, Hallein, Austria
Performance: „Deutschland, Mon Amour“, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Installation „FearExchange“, Lichter Filmfest, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Performance „FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL“, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany & 34C3, Leipzig, Germany
Exhibition „Deutschland mon Amour“, Matjö, Cologne, Germany
Workshop „Commons Booking“, Essen, Germany
Intervention „FearExchange“, NODE – Forum for digital Arts, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

Performance „Slant“, Budapest, Hungary
„Critical guided tour“, Cologne, Germany
Workshop „Commons Booking“, Wuppertal, Germany
Solo Exhibition: „Antichambre“, Düsseldorf, Germany
Group exhibition: „die digitale“, Düsseldorf, Germany
Workshop: „Realize your cargo bike project“, Mannheim, Germany

Group Exhibition “Versöhnungssex”, ACUD, Berlin
Talk “Bio und Luxus”, Würzburg, Germany
Organizer: Conference “Forum freie Lastenräder”, Cologne, Germany
Performance “The Messenger Project”, NODE15, Frankfurt, Germany
Performance “The Messenger Project”, Schmiede Hallein, Austria
Performance “The Messenger Project”, TADAEX, Tehran, Iran
Talk: TADAEX/NODE Exchange Program, TADAEX, Tehran, Iran
Workshop: “vvvv for beginners”, TADAEX, Tehran, Iran
Talk: “Freie Lastenräder”, velo Bern, Switzerland

Installation “Art will not save me”, Festival B-Seite, Mannheim
Performance “Bertillionage”, 3de wal, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Workshop “Graphic Design for Bands”, Mannheim
Artist residency, “Institut für alles Mögliche”, Berlin
Intervention “Flatmates”, Online
Performance “Everywhere i lay my head”, Tokyo, Japan

Artist Residency, culturia, Berlin
Workshop “An Strahlen”, Node Festival, Frankfurt am Main
Solo Exhibition: “RAM II”, Moltkerei, Cologne
Workshop “vvvv”, Tadaex, Teheran, Iran
Screening, Gold + Beton, Cologne

Video Installation “Moses”, v_Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
Artist Residency, Young Artist Contest 2012, Cinigiano, Italy
Solo Exhibition, Video Installation “Ram”, Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin

Installation “Nordpol”, ART Cologne, Cologne
Video Installation “Moses”, International Biennale for Young Art, Museum of Modern Art, Moscow

Solo Exhibition: Installation “DEAR HUNTER”, raumkalk, Cologne.
Solo Exhibition: Performance “Von A nach B (und nach A zurück)”, supporting programme ART Cologne, Cologne
Installation “Ortscheit”, Vogelsang Intervention”, Schleiden

Installation “Schillervision”, Schillertage, Nationaltheater Mannheim
Automata “Brickquencer”, lab30, Augsburg