Header Photo: Amir Bastan & Georg Scherlin: CIRCULAR PIECE (SQUARE).
The TADAEX/NODE Exchange Program was founded in 2014 to establish a personal connection between the media arts scenes in Iran and Germany. It provides a unique opportunity for collaboration in different environments at home and abroad, supports a growing understanding of different artistic approaches and sets the ground for an intercultural reflection on research and creative practice in Iran and Germany.
Alexandra Waligorski, NODE e.V. / Ali Panahi, TADAEX / David Brüll, NODE e.V. / Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, NODE e.V. / Florian Egermann
Supported by Goethe Institut Teheran / Basis Frankfurt / Kooshk Residency
From each country, one young media artist is selected via an open call. The artists are invited to collaborate twice: in their own and their residency partners’ home country. The TADAEX/NODE exchange program is embedded in the partnering festivals in order to ensure both an inspiring atmosphere and an exhibition opportunity for the artworks created during the residency periods.
The TADAEX/NODE exchange program is a joint effort by TADAEX – Tehran Media Arts Festival and Frankfurt- based NODE – Forum for Digital Arts, supported by the Goethe Institute Tehran. The next iteration will start with an open call for two artists in spring 2016.
With a focus on emerging artists we want to encourage international experience and collaboration at an early stage in the artists’ careers. Additionally, the TADAEX/NODE Exchange is aiming at strengthening the coopera- tion between two internationally renowned festivals. By sending representatives and curators from each institution to the partner-festival, we also offer a unique research and networking opportunity. The extended exchange program will open up the respective local art scene to the festival-coordinators and curators and lead to a diversi- fication of the future festival-programs.