I just invented a new philosophy with the boys. YOLO! Come over, there’s alphabet soup with utopia. Or apocalypse, nobody knows for sure. Either way: Let’s watch everything heat up and talk about it.
— Flo
![A vibrant graphic with a red background and green diagonal stripes featuring the phrase "Accelerate or Die!" in bold white and green letters. The bottom includes the text "Singularity Suppenküche" and "Powered by OpenAI" logos.](https://fleg.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Insta-Square-1.png)
Florian Egermann
Accelerate or Die!
(Singularity Soup Kitchen)
Opening with Cooking performance
19.4.2024, 19:00
20.4.2024 — 5.5.2024
Curated by Karen Eliot
fl~w — Raum für radikale Kunst
Georgstraße 26A
53111 Bonn
Accessibility information:
There are 2 stairs to access the exhibition space, visitors with disabilities have been carried down/up these stairs in the past. If you are unsure, please contact the fl~w team.
Toilets in the space are accessible.